Current Affairs – Top 10 Terms in News [15 Dec. 2020]
Current Affairs Top 10 Terms in News (December 15, 2020) is a compilation of important terms, jargons and lexicons in news in recent days.
5th India Water Impact Summit (IWIS)
The 5th India Water Impact Summit (IWIS) has recently commenced with a focus on Arth Ganga – river conservation synchronised development.
The theme of the summit is comprehensive analysis and holistic management of rivers and water bodies. It was organised virtually by the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) and the Centre for Ganga River Basin Management and Studies (cGanga).
Muraina grass
Agharkar Research Institute (ARI), Pune, an autonomous institute of the Department of Science & Technology, has recently spotted a new species of Muraina grass.
Ischaemum is a genus of grass, widespread in tropical and semitropical regions. It is commonly called as Muraina grass. A new and tolerant species has been spotted in Goa in the Western Ghats. It was named Ischaemum janarthanamiiin honour of Goa University’s Botany Professor M. K. Janarthanam.
Malana Cream
Malana Cream is a type of hash, which comes from the Malana Valley in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. The Charas is the resin obtained from a species of the cannabis plant, which grows in the valley.
The Narcotics Control Bureau has recently claimed that it has seized the smuggled ‘Malana Cream’. Charas was banned in India in 1986 under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985.
International Olympic Committee has recently confirmed Breakdancing as an official Olympic sport, to be added at the 2024 Paris Games.
IOC executive board also confirmed three sports namely skateboarding, sport climbing, and surfing at the Tokyo Games. The Olympic Games scheduled at Tokyo in 2020 was postponed to 2021.
Central Vista Redevelopment Project
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi has laid the stone for the new Parliamentary Building, thus kick starting its construction. Tata Group has won the bid for constructing the triangular shaped Parliamentary Building.
The building is being constructed as a part of Central Vista redevelopment project, and is expected to be completed by 2022 at an estimated cost of Rs.971 crore.
Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility
The Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility (APVAX) has been launched by the Asian Development Bank. This initiative is set to support to its developing member economies to procure and deliver COVID-19 vaccines.
The total cost of this project is USD 9 billion. The aim of the scheme is to help ADB’s member countries to vaccinate their people and tide away from the ongoing COVID crisis.
Hospital Management Information System (HMIS)
The Indian Railways has recently launched Hospital Management Information System (HMIS). This aims to provide enhanced health care facilities to its employees.
The trial version of the project has been launched in South Central Railway. This is expected to improve the health care system of the Railways and improve the utilisation of resources.
Gravitational Wave High-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor (GECAM)
The Chinese Space Agency has launched two satellites for detecting gravitational waves. The two satellites form a part of Gravitational Wave High-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor (GECAM) mission. These two satellites were launched using Long March-11 carrier rocket.
These satellites would be used for monitoring and studying high-energy radiation, gamma-rays and gravitational waves.
The term “Mixopathy” means allowing a section of Ayurveda doctors to undertake certain surgeries. Allopathy Doctors and surgeons are agitated by the mixopathy, by which Government has decided to permit Ayurveda doctors to undertake certain surgeries. Indian Medical Association expressed its opposition against the Government’s decision.
India Workplace Equality Index
India Workplace Equality Index has been launched in India by Keshav Suri Foundation in association with Pride Circle, Stonewall UK and FICCI.
This is the 1st benchmarking tool for employers to measure their progress on LGBT and their inclusiveness in work place. It was introduced in the United Kingdom in the year 2005.