Page-4 of GKToday Archives: May, 2010

Features of Marketing

The marketing Management refers to planning, organizing, directing, control of the activates which facilitate the exchange of goods and services between the producers to end consumers. Firms today need to spend money to create time, place and ownership utilities .The ..

Quiz 389: Banking Awareness for Banking Examinations

1. From the given options 1 to 4 , please find out the one which is not an objective of a central Bank of a country? The central Bank of a country aims at profit The central bank is given ..

Summary Notes -1

Q.1What is Utility in reference to marketing?Utility is the want-satisfying power of a good or service. There are four basic kinds of utility – Form Utility : Time Utility Place Utility Ownership Utility. Form utility is created when the firm ..

Evolution of Marketing

Marketing has changed over the centuries, decades and years. The production centered system systematically changed into relationship era of today and over the period; the specializations have emerged such as sales versus marketing and advertising versus retailing. The overall evolution ..

Who is a customer?

In the world of business, a customer is a vital component of any organization. A customer, also known as a client, is a current or potential buyer of a product or service. The firm or organization is the seller. A ..

Difference between Selling and Marketing

The market is a place for economic transactions. The buying and selling are two sides of the same “coin” that is “transaction’. Selling is different from marketing. While selling means offering to exchange something (intangible or tangible) of value for ..