Right to work

Jan Soochna Portal Launched in Rajasthan

The government of Rajasthan has launched the Jan Soochna Portal to enhance transparency and accountability and empower the right of the people to seek information. The portal is developed under the RAJasthan Innovation Vision (RAJIV). Jan Soochna Portal The portal ..

Election Commission revises MGNREGA wage rates

Election Commission has approved to revise the wages under the MGNREGA ( Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) scheme under the request of Rural Development Ministry from 1st April. The new wages has been notified which will be linked ..

Bihar to get Rs 560 cr credit from the World Bank for project Jeevika

The Central Govt and the Bihar Government inked pact with the World Bank for $ 100 million additional credit to intensify the ongoing Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project, Jeevika. Objective of Project Jeevika: The Project is targeted at enhancing the social ..


Govt to revisit Watershed management guidelines

The guidelines provided for Integrated Watershed Management Programme to be revised as State Governments found the current guidelines rigid and inflexible to their requirement. The States have demanded that the cost of Rs 15,000 per hectare allocated for Naxal affected ..


30 new activities brought under NREGS

The government has amended Schedule-I and Schedule-II of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREG) Act, 2005. There is now an expansion of the scope of activities permitted under the MNREGS by including 30 new activities. These will supplement ..


A 1.7% decrease in the Unemployment rate of India

India’s Unemployment rate fell by 1.7% in 5 years. The point of notice is that this  occurred in spite of global slowdown. The Unemployment Rate in India was 8.3% in 2004-05 and it went down to 6.6% in 2009-10. The ..



Current Affairs: February 2, 2012

122 2-G licenses cancelled by SC The Supreme Court cancels 122 2-G licenses allocated to telecom companies in 2008. The court mandated that the licenses were granted in arbitrary and unconstitutional manner. The Supreme Court asks the Telecom Regulatory Authority ..



Problems with MGNREGA Scheme

Problems with MGNREGA and recasting of the scheme Discuss the problems of the MNREGA Scheme. Do you think that this is a truly Demand Based Programme? Why this scheme needs an overhaul? Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) ..

