Indian Geography

Types of Soil Erosion

The decline in soil fertility, when the nutritional status declines and depth of the soil goes down due to erosion and misuse is called Soil degradation. Soil degradation is the main factor leading to the depleting soil resource base in ..

Types of Soils in India

Soil is the mixture of rock debris and organic materials which develop on the earth’s surface. The major factors affecting the formation of soil are relief, parent material, climate, time, and biodiversity including the human activities. India is a diverse ..

Distribution of Rainfall In India

Rainfall in India is highly uneven over a period of time in a year.  The western coasts and North East India receive rainfall of over 400 cm. It is less than 60 cms in western Rajasthan and adjoining parts of ..

Seasons in India

There are four seasons in India viz. Winter (December-February), Hot weather summer (March-May), Rainy south-western monsoon (June-September) and Post-monsoon, also known as north-east monsoon in the southern Peninsula (October-November). Winter Season During the winter season, the temperature decreases with increasing ..

South-West and North-East Monsoon in India

The word monsoon is derived from the Arabic word ‘Mausim’ which means season. Monsoon refers to the seasonal reversal in the wind direction during a year. During summer, the interior parts of North Indian Plains covering Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, and ..

Factors Affecting Indian Climate

India is home to an extraordinary variety of climatic regions, ranging from tropical in the south to temperate and alpine in the Himalayan north, where elevated regions receive sustained winter snowfall. India’s climate is strongly influenced by the Oceans, Himalayas ..

Geography: Other Islands

Diu Island Diu is an off – shore island on the western coast, off the Gulf of Cambay, bordering Junagarh district. It is separated from the Gujarat Coast by a tidal creek. The coast has limestone cliffs, rocky coves and ..

Lakshadweep Islands

Lakshadweep is an archipelago consisting of 12 attols, 3 reefs and 6 newly formed/ submerged sand banks.  It is comprised of – 11 inhabited islands, 16 uninhabited islands; six newly formed/ submerged sand banks and 3 reefs.  The Inhabited islands ..