Science & Technology Current Affairs MCQs

11. Scientists have found the first-ever genetic detection of wolf-dog hybridization in which country?

[A] China
[B] India
[C] Japan
[D] Australia

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12. Which country’s researchers have developed e-skin that can help amputees experience touch?

[A] India
[C] Australia
[D] Israel

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13. XPoSat, India’s first polarimetry mission, is being built by which institution?


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14. ‘Rimegepant’ is the first oral medication recommended for which medical condition?

[A] Anxiety
[B] Migraine
[C] COVID-19
[D] Hypertension

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15. Which country has developed new class of 3D-printed alloys that removed the need for aluminium and vanadium?

[A] India
[B] Australia
[D] China

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16. Which is identified to be the main cause for the tragic train accident in Odisha’s Balasore?

[A] Electronic interlocking
[B] Bridge Collapse
[C] Poor Track Layout
[D] Overloading

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17. Parker Solar Probe is associated with which space agency?


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18. Which term refers the ‘collapse of an object inward upon itself, often caused by extreme force or pressure’

[A] Extreme implosion
[B] Catastrophic implosion
[C] Impulsive explosion
[D] Destructive implosion

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19. Which company successfully completed its first manned mission to the edge of space?

[A] Virgin Galactic
[B] Blue Origin
[C] Tesla
[D] Boeing

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20. The early universe experienced time passing at a rate one-fifth of the current rate, due to which phenomenon?

[A] Time dilation
[B] Time repression
[C] Time solution
[D] Time sedation

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