Modern Indian History MCQs
Multiple choice questions on Modern Indian History & Freedom Struggle for General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations.These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App
21. Which one of the following is an important historical novel written during the latter half of the nineteenth century?
[A] Rast Goftar
[B] Durgesh Nandini
[C] Maharatha
[D] Nibandhamala
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Correct Answer: B [Durgesh Nandini]
Durgeshnandini is a Bengali historical romance novel written by Indian writer Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay in 1865.
22. Who among the following leaders did not believe in the drain theory of Dadabhai Naoroji?
[A] B.G. Tilak
[B] R.C. Dutt
[C] M.G. Ranade
[D] Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
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Correct Answer: D [Sir Syed Ahmed Khan]
Economic drain refers to a portion of national product of India which was not available for consumption of its peoples but was being drained away to Britain for political reasons and India was not getting adequate economic or material returns for it. The drain theory was put forward by Dadabhai Naoroji in his book Poverty and Un-British Rule in India.
23. M.C. Setalvad, B.N. Rao and Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer were distinguished members of which of the following parties?
[A] Swaraj Party
[B] All-India National Liberal Federation
[C] Madras Labour Union
[D] Servants of India Society
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Correct Answer: D [Servants of India Society]
M.C. Setalvad, B.N. Rao and Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer were distinguished members of the Servants of India Society. The Servants of India Society was formed in Pune, Maharashtra, on June 12, 1905 by Gopal Krishna Gokhale. All are related to this organization.
24. Who among the following repealed the Vernacular Press Act?
[A] Lord Dufferin
[B] Lord Ripon
[C] Lord Curzon
[D] Lord Hardinge
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Correct Answer: B [Lord Ripon]
The law was repealed in 1881 by Lytton’s successor as viceroy, Lord Ripon (governed 1880–84). However, the resentment it produced among Indians became one of the catalysts giving rise to India’s growing independence movement.
25. Who led the French Army in the Battle of Wandiwash?
[A] Count de Lally
[B] Captain Paradise
[C] Captain Best
[D] General Eyre Coote
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Correct Answer: A [Count de Lally]
Thomas Arthur Count de Lally led the French Army in the Battle of Wandiwash. He was executed in 1766 by the English.
26. The Vandavasi fort is situated in which of the following states of India?
[A] Tamil Nadu
[B] Karnataka
[C] Kerala
[D] Telangana
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Correct Answer: A [Tamil Nadu]
The Vandavasi fort is situated in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It was a part of the historic Seven Years War.
27. What was the main objective of the reform of 1787 of Lord Cornwallis?
[A] Economy
[B] Social reform
[C] Trade
[D] None of the above
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Correct Answer: A [Economy]
There were three judicial reform of Lord Cornwallis (1787, 1790, 1793). Economy was the main focus point of the reform of 1787.
28. Which of the following rulers of India ceded almost half of his territory to the British as an agreement of Subsidiary Alliance?
[A] Nawab of Awadh
[B] Nizam of Hyderabad
[C] Nawab of Bengal
[D] Bajirao II
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Correct Answer: A [Nawab of Awadh]
Nawab of Awadh ceded almost half of his territory to the British as an agreement of Subsidiary Alliance. He was forced to sign this treaty in the year 1801. As a result, the Nawab lost the Doab, Rohilkhand, Allahabad. The British enclosed his territory from three sides except for the Himalayan foothills.
29. Who of the following said that The Third Battle of Panipat “decided the fate of India.”?
[A] Jadunath Sarkar
[B] Sardeshai
[C] Elphinstone
[D] Percival Spear
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Correct Answer: A [Jadunath Sarkar]
According to Jadunath Sarkar, The Third Battle of Panipat “decided the fate of India.” The dream of making the whole India as a Hindu Nation became intangible to the Marathas.
30. Mahadji Shinde was associated with controlling the Maratha empire in which of the following places?
[A] Poona
[B] Gwalior
[C] Rajkot
[D] Mangalore
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Correct Answer: B [Gwalior]
Mahadji Shinde was associated with controlling the Maratha empire in Gwalior and mainly the part of northern India. His father Ranoji Rao Scindia was the founder of the Scindia dynasty.