Modern Indian History MCQs
Multiple choice questions on Modern Indian History & Freedom Struggle for General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations.These questions are part of GKToday’s 35000+ MCQs Bank Course in GKToday Android App
31. Which of the following Governors General kept the British flag flying high in India at the time when empires in Europe were crumbling before the might of Napoleon?
[A] Warren Hastings
[B] Lord Cornwallis
[C] Lord Wellesley
[D] Lord Hastings
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Correct Answer: D [Lord Hastings]
Lord Hastings kept the British flag flying high in India at the time when empires in Europe were crumbling before the might of Napoleon. He acted as the Governor General of India from 1813 to 1823.
32. Which of the following Governor Generals had abolished slavery in India?
[A] Lord Cornwallis
[B] Lord Wellesley
[C] Lord William Bentinck
[D] Lord Ellenborough
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Correct Answer: D [Lord Ellenborough]
It was Lord Ellenborough who abolished slavery in India. The Indian Slavery Act, 1843, also Act V of 1843, was an act passed in British India under East India Company rule, which outlawed many economic transactions associated with slavery.
33. Charter Act of 1726 provided for establishment of Corporation at which of these places?
[A] Bombay and Madras
[B] Bombay and Calcutta
[C] Calcutta and Madras
[D] Calcutta and Surat
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Correct Answer: B [Bombay and Calcutta]
The Charter of 1726 provided for the establishment of a Corporation at Bombay and Calcutta like the one which already existed in Madras. Thus, each of the Presidency towns was to have a Corporation consisting of a Mayor and nine Aldermen. The Mayor and nine Aldermen of each Corporation formed a Court of Record which was called the ‘Mayor’s Court’. It was empowered to decide all the civil cases within the Presidency town and the factories subordinate thereto. The Mayor together with two other English Aldermen formed the quorum.
34. Lower Burma was annexed by Britishers in which of the following years?
[A] 1850
[B] 1852
[C] 1854
[D] 1856
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Correct Answer: B [1852]
Lower Burma was annexed by Britishers in 1852. It was established as a province in 1962. Later Upper Burma was also incorporated in the year 1886.
35. How many princely states were there in India when the British rule came to an end?
[A] 654
[B] 632
[C] 565
[D] 549
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Correct Answer: C [565]
There were 565 Princely states in India when the British rule came to an end. In the year 1947, a total of 40% area was covered by the princely states and constituted 23% of the total population.
36. In which year, Bangbhasha Prakasika Sabha was established?
[A] 1831
[B] 1836
[C] 1839
[D] 1841
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Correct Answer: B [1836]
Bangbhasha Prakasika Sabha was founded in 1836 by associates of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. It was the first organized political association of India and it worked for reform of administrative association of Indians with the British, spread of education, pushing forward Indian demands to the British parliament.
37. Hansa Mehta was associated with which of the following organization?
[A] All India women’s conference
[B] Anushilan Samity
[C] Theosophical Society
[D] Naujawan Bharat Sabha
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Correct Answer: A [All India women’s conference]
Hansa Mehta was inspired by the leaders of the day, she travelled all over india, meeting women to create awareness among them. She was an eminent educationist and a dedicated social worker, she believed that unless there was improvement in the quality of life of women, social reform was not possible. She was associated with the All India women’s conference since its inception in 1927.
38. The National Planning Committee was set up by S.C. Bose in which of the following year?
[A] 1932
[B] 1938
[C] 1942
[D] 1944
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Correct Answer: B [1938]
The first attempt to develop a national plan for India came up in 1938. In that year, Congress President Subhash Chandra Bose had set up a National Planning Committee with Jawaharlal Nehru as its president. However, the reports of the committee could not be prepared and only for the first time in 1948 -49 some papers came out.
39. Who was the hero of “Pagri Sambhal Jatta Movement”?
[A] Sardar Ajit Singh
[B] Sardar Jagjeet Singh
[C] Sardar Manjeet Singh
[D] Sardar Ranjeet Singh
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Correct Answer: A [Sardar Ajit Singh]
Sardar Ajit Singh was the hero of “Pagri Sambhal Jatta Movement”. He was a revolutionary during the time of British rule in India. In 1907, farmers felt threatened by the Colonisation Act that this Act would reduce owners to ordinary workers on their own lands. The farmers who are currently protesting at Delhi gates are also inspired by this movement.
40. Which among the following was not annexed by applying Doctrine of Lapse?
[A] Sambalpur
[B] Jhansi
[C] Mysore
[D] Satara
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Correct Answer: C [Mysore]
Annexation in the absence of a natural or adopted heir was enforced in the cases of Satara (1848), Jaitpur and Sambalpur, Udaipur (1852), Jhansi (1853), and Nagpur (1854). The first victim of the Doctrine of Lapse was the Maratha Kingdom of Satara, in 1848 the Raja of Satara Appasahib died. He had no natural heir. Mysore was not annexed on this context.