Quiz 977: GK Questions for Delhi Police Recruitment Exams

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for Delhi Police Recruitment Exams based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

In which inscription, the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka refers himself as Piyadassi laja Magadhe (Piyadassi, King of Magadha)?
What was the common name of Mehrunissa?
Among which of the following countries would you call a growing country or growing economy ?
Which among the following cities of Uttar Pradesh is internationally famous for its wood carving work cottage industry?
A Fire temple is a place of worship for _____?
Consider the following statements: 
  1. Both Coffee and Tea prefer slightly acidic Soil 
  2. Both Coffee and Tea show winter dormancy
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
Consider the following statements about Liposomes:
  1. They are one of the important cell organelles
  2. They play important role in storage of lipids in cells
  3. They play important role in cell division
Which among the above statements is/ are correct?
Where is the hub of the global trade in ‘cut-flowers’?
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) is which type of body?
Which of the following is a balanced fertilizer for plants?

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