Quiz 887: GK Questions for Railway Recruitment Exams Board N.T.P.C. (Graduate)

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for Railway Recruitment Exams Board N.T.P.C. (Graduate) based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

The Shiretoko National Park (SNP) is located in which country?
The construction of rural roads in Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna is carried out with the cost sponsored by _______?
Which among the following is not a feature of India’s small scale industries in general?
The maximum number of which of the following in India is owned by Public Sector?
Consider the following statements regarding the Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)? 
  1. It is mainly a pre-processing of the municipal solid waste to use it as a fuel in boilers or kilns
  2. The calorific value of RDF is approximately half of that of coal and depends upon the combustible content. 
  3. The part content of RDF is marketable. 
Which among the above statements hold correct?
Which of the following represents ideal gas law?
Which of the following acts as anode in a mercury cell?
Which of the following metals is the first metal used by a man?
Which of the following is known as the vertical movement of air?
On which date Constitution of India was adopted and enacted by the Constituent Assembly?

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