GK & Current Affairs Quiz: May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017 October 27, 2017
1. Which Indian teenager has won the 2017 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) award in the environmental engineering category?
[A] Sairandi Sathyanarayanan
[B] Pratik Naidu
[C] Prashant Ranganathan
[D] Sahithi Pingali
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Correct Answer: C [Prashant Ranganathan]
Indian teenager Prashant Ranganathan from Jamshedpurhas won the 2017 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) award worth $5,000 in the environmental engineering category for his innovation for fighting against pesticide and getting rid of its side effects through biodegradable use at the Los Angeles in California. Beside this, the topmost Gordon E Moore Award of $75,000 went to Ivo Zell of Germany for designing and constructing a remote-control prototype of a new flying wing.
2. Which state government has launched e-textbook portal for school students?
[A] Assam
[B] Kerala
[C] Karnataka
[D] Haryana
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Correct Answer: D [Haryana ]
The Haryana state government has recently launched e-textbook portal for school students. Now, students can download school books instantly from the e-textbook portal of the Haryana School Education Board (HSEB). As of now, 26 textbooks of classes IX to XII have been uploaded on the portal and these can be easily converted into audio files. The portal will also provide a facility to highlight certain portions of the e—textbooks making it easier for students to study.
3. Which organisation has won the 2015 Indira Gandhi Peace Prize?
[A] United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
[B] Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
[C] International Court of Justice (ICJ)
[D] International Labour Organization (ILO)
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Correct Answer: A [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)]
Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has presented the 2015 Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at a function in New Delhi on May 18, 2017. Apart from this, the 2014 Indira Gandhi Peace Prize has been given to Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for historic Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), which was received by the ISRO chairman Kiran Kumar on behalf of the space body. The award consists of a trophy, a cash prize of Rs 1 crore and a citation. The award
4. What is the India’s rank in the 2017 Healthcare Access and Quality Index (HAQI), according to latest Lancet report “Global Burden of Disease (GBD)”?
[A] 128th
[B] 154th
[C] 166th
[D] 137th
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Correct Answer: B [154th]
According to the latest Lancet report titled ‘Global Burden of Disease (GBD)’, India has been ranked 154th among 195 countries in the 2017 Healthcare Access and Quality Index (HAQI). The results have revealed that India, in spite of socio-economic growth in the given time-period, has not managed to achieve its goals in health care department. It performed worse than expected in tuberculosis, diabetes, rheumatic heart diseases and chronic kidney disease. According to the report, the countries were analysed for a period of 25 years between 1990 and 2015. The list is topped by Switzerland, followed by Sweden and Norway. The index is based on death rates for 32 diseases that can be avoided or effectively treated with proper medical care, also tracked progress in each nation compared to the benchmark year of 1990.
5. R R Laxman is associated with which sports?
[A] Badminton
[B] Table Tennis
[C] Chess
[D] Cricket
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Correct Answer: C [Chess]
Grand Master R.R. Laxman of Integral Coach Factory finished has won the 2017 All India Open Rapid FIDE Rating Chess Tournament at the Kshudiram Anushilan Kendra, Kolkata on May 18, 2017. He got 9.5 points by defeating Mitrabha Guha who bagged 8.5 points.
6. Stanley Greene, an award-winning photojournalist passed away. He hailed from which country?
[A] China
[B] Russia
[C] Japan
[D] United States
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Correct Answer: D [United States]
Stanley Greene (52), an award-winning American photographer of conflict, disasters and humanitarian crises across the globe, has recently passed away in Paris, France. He was best known for his documentation of the conflict in Chechnya, between rebels and the Russian Armed Forces, which was compiled in his 2004 book “Open Wound”. Greene was recognised in the World Press Photo awards, in 1994, 2001, 2004 and 2008.
7. The Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary (BBS) is located in which state?
[A] Haryana
[B] Rajasthan
[C] Sikkim
[D] Kerala
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Correct Answer: A [Haryana]
The Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary (BBS) is located in Jhajjar district, Haryana. It is home to many birds such as Blue Peafowl, Gray Francolin, Black Francolin, Shikra, Black Kite, Greater Coucal, White-throated Kingfisher, Coppersmith Barbet and Indian Roller. It is in news because the sanctuary will soon be developed as a beautiful tourist resort and the additional facilities to be provided to the tourists coming to this place would include arrangements for camping for night stay, beautification of the lake, and opening of dispensary for birds and the wild life.
8. Which committee has recently recommended several measures for de-siltation of River Ganga?
[A] K S S Banerjee committee
[B] Mukesh Sinha committee
[C] J P Nadda committee
[D] Madhav Chitale committee
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Correct Answer: D [Madhav Chitale committee]
The Madhav Chitale committee on de-siltation of River Ganga has recommended a slew of measures which includes study to guide de-silting activities, sand registry for de-silting and a technical institute to conduct the sediment budget, flood routing studies and confirm the necessity of the de-silting of section of the river. The committee suggested good agricultural practices, river bank anti-erosion works and avoiding encroachment of flood plain and reclamation of adjoining lakes along the river. The committee also recommended de-silting of adjoining lakes to increase their storage capacities. The committee was constituted in July 2016 by the Ministry of Water Resources River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation to prepare guidelines for desiltation of river Ganga from Bhimgauda (Uttarakhand) to Farakka (West Bengal).
9. The 2017 HADR exercise “Karavali Karunya” has started by Indian Navy in which state?
[A] Andhra Pradesh
[B] Karnataka
[C] Kerala
[D] Tamil Nadu
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Correct Answer: B [Karnataka]
The Annual Joint Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Exercise “Karavali Karunya” has started by Indian Navy’s Western Nava Command at Naval Station Karwar in Karnataka on May 18, 2017. The HADR exercise involves both professional exchange and actual disaster response mechanisms is set on a Tsunami disaster scenario and will continue till 20 May 2017.
10. Who has been appointed as new Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff (Operations)?
[A] Satish Dua
[B] Subhash Bhamre
[C] PN Pradhan
[D] N S Rathore
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Correct Answer: C [PN Pradhan]
Air Marshal PN Pradhan has been appointed as the new Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff (Operations), a key platform to ensure a high degree of synergy between the Armed forces. The Integrated Defence Staff (IDS) was created on October 1, 2001 based on the recommendations of the Group of Ministers which was set up after Kargil war to review India’s defence management. It acts as the point organisation for integration of policy, doctrine, war fighting and procurement by employing best management practices. The current Chief of IDS is Lt General Satish Dua.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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divakar baranwal
August 5, 2017 at 2:30 amq no 3 wrong indra gandhi piece prize won isro