GK & Current Affairs: June 10, 11, 2014
1. The Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) is a policy initiative for which among the following sectors?
[A]Textile Sector
[B]Manufacturing Sector
[C]Information Technology Sector
[D]Agro-Industries Sector
Textile Sector
TUFS provides for reimbursement of 5% out of interest actually charged by the lending agencies for facilitating investment in modernization of Textiles Jute Industries. The scheme is being operated through nodal agencies (IDBI,SIDBI.IFCI and major nationalized banks).
2. Which among the following is NOT a communicable disease?
3. The Disaster Management Act, 2005 has been implemented in all states and Union Territories of India except one. Identify the state from the given options:
All the States/UTs, except the State of Gujarat, have implemented Disaster Management Act, 2005. The State of Gujarat is following the Gujarat State Disaster Management Act, 2003, which was made prior to enactment of DM Act, 2005. (PIB)
4. Jambusar area , where the ONGC had recently drilled first assessment well for finding out the possibility of commercial production of Shale Gas, is located in which among the following states?
[A]West Bengal
[B]Andhra Pradesh
Jambusar area is in Cambay Basin, Gujarat
5. World’s first successful network of high-speed railway lines was launched in Japan in 1964. Which among the following Japanese term is the name of this project?
[A]Kabushiki gaisha
Japan was first successful high speed nation where the Shinkansen network of trains was started by four Japan Railways Group companies back in 1964. Prior to that, early experiments were done in Germany, France, Italy and Japan etc. Today, China is foremost champion of High Speed Trains. Other countries which has successfully implemented the high speed trains and are continuously expanding the network include South Korea, France, Germany, and the UK. Even some African countries have high speed railways. Morocco boasts the Arica’s first high-speed railway network.
6. Which among the following is a correct statement about “Coral Triangle”?
[A]it is the only biodiversity hotspot in northeast Asia
[B]the equator passes through it and it is known as “Amazon of the seas”
[C]its islands are populated by endemic species of birds
[D]it is located in southwest Asia and is known for coral piracy
the equator passes through it and it is known as “Amazon of the seas”
The Coral Triangle is recognized as the global centre of marine biodiversity and a global priority for conservation. It also called the “Amazon of the seas” and covers 5.7 million square kilometres of ocean waters.
7. The Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) is an economic gauge for measuring the wellbeing of which among the following economic sectors?
[C]Real Estate
PMI measures well being of manufacturing sector in India, if it is above 50 it means sector has displayed growth, below 50 means there is contraction in the sector and if it is at 50 it means neither growth nor contraction.
8. Which among the following countries is the newest member of the Euro Zone; slated to adopt Euro from January 1, 2015?
Lithuania has fulfilled all conditions to join the euro zone, the European Commission said, recommending that the country become the currency bloc’s 19th member on January 1.
9. On the basis of recommendations of which among the following committees, the credit policy of RBI is now reviewed after every two months instead of earlier system of 45 days?
[A]P.J. Nayak Committee
[B]Nachiket Mor Committee
[C]Urjit Patel Committee
[D]U.K. Sinha Committee
Urjit Patel Committee
The RBI has switched to the system of reviewing credit policy once in two months from the earlier once in 45 days or so following the recommendation recommendation of the Urjit Patel committee.
10. The PYKKA Scheme aims at providing basic Sports Infrastructure and equipment at ___?
[A]National Level
[B]State Level
[C]District Level
[D]Block and Panchayat Level
Block and Panchayat Level
Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) was launched by Govt. of India in the year 2008. The scheme aims at providing basic Sports Infrastructure and equipment at village and block panchayat level and encouraging sports and games for rural, including backward population of the society, through annual competitions at the block, district, State and National levels.

June 12, 2014 at 10:15 pmIN Q NO. 2 OF JUNE 10.11 RIGHT ANSWER IS HIV
Krishna kant Jain
July 29, 2014 at 3:34 pmHiv is communicable through physical relationship
June 12, 2014 at 10:30 pmthe article no. 2 is wrong.
how dare u to provide wrong answers to initiators.
not reliable……
Aman Dutta
June 14, 2014 at 7:15 pmDear Sir,
I am highly thankful to you
June 16, 2014 at 7:16 pmit’s interesting.
manoj raturi
June 17, 2014 at 2:26 pmgreat job…..