Daily Current Affairs Quiz : June 15, 2021
June 15, 2021 June 15, 2021
1. Which global institution released an independent appraisal report on India’s Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP)?
[D] World Bank
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Correct Answer: B [UNDP]
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) released an independent appraisal report on India’s Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP).
As per the report, the programme has resulted in sectoral growth and improvements in governance and administration. It analyses the progress of ADP and made recommendations for improvement. UNDP India representative handed over the report to NITI Aayog.
2. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is a ……… member body.
[A] 10
[B] 15
[C] 20
[D] 30
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Correct Answer: B [15]
The United Nations Security Council is a 15 member body. Five veto-wielding permanent members of the council are the United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom and France.
Recently, five countries namely Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Albania, Ghana and Gabon have been selected for to join the U.N. Security Council. They replace another 5 members whose terms end and will start their terms on January 1.
3. Henri Marie Dondra has been selected as the new Prime Minister of which country?
[A] Ghana
[B] Central African Republic (CAR)
[C] Zimbabwe
[D] South Africa
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Correct Answer: B [Central African Republic (CAR)]
Henri Marie Dondra has been named the new Prime Minister of the Central African Republic (CAR), as per the statement released by the country’s Presidency.
Former Prime Minister Firmin Ngrebada announced his resignation earlier. Henri Marie Dondra has served as the Finance Minister of the country.
4. Which E-platform is to lead the ‘Medicines from the Sky’ project of Telangana?
[A] Amazon
[B] Flipkart
[C] Zomato
[D] Swiggy
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Correct Answer: B [Flipkart]
E-Commerce major Flipkart has announced that it has partnered with Telangana government to lead a consortium under the ‘Medicines from the Sky’ project.
The team has been tasked with the development and execution of the drone deliveries of medical supplies to remote areas. As part of the consortium, Flipkart will deploy drones and provide deliveries of vaccines and medical supplies.
5. Sero survey is used to determine the prevalence of …………. in the community.
[A] Antigen
[B] Antibody
[C] Virus Strain
[D] None of the above
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Correct Answer: B [Antibody ]
Sero survey is used to determine the prevalence of antibodies in the community. In the process, blood samples are tested for the presence of IgG (Immunoglobulin G) antibodies, which determine a past infection due to Covid-19.
NITI Aayog Member Dr VK Paul announced that the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) will start the fourth nation-wide Covid-19 serosurvey.

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