41. Cardamom Hills are located in which state?
[A] Jammu and Kashmir
[B] Himachal Pradesh
[C] Kerala
[D] Maharashtra
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Correct Answer: C [Kerala]
The Cardamom Hills or Yela Mala are mountain range of southern India and part of the southern Western Ghats located in southeast Kerala and southwest Tamil Nadu. Their name comes from the cardamom spice grown in much of the hills’ cool elevation. The Western Ghats and Periyar Sub-Cluster including the Cardamom Hills, are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
42. ‘Shifting cultivation’ is also known as _____ in north-east india:
[A] Logan
[B] Jhum
[C] Chena
[D] Ladang
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Correct Answer: B [Jhum]
In India, shifting culti-vation, the primitive form of cultivation is called ‘Bewar’ or ‘Dahiya’ in Madhya Pradesh, ‘Podu’ or ‘Penda’ in Andhra Pradesh, ‘Pama Dabi’ or ‘Koman’ or Bringa’ in Odisha, ‘Kumari’ in Western Ghats, ‘Valre’ or ‘Waltre’ in South-eastern Rajasthan, ‘Khil’ in the Himalayan belt, ‘Kuruwa’ in Jharkhand, and ‘Jhum-ming’ in the North-eastern region.
43. The highest railway station in India is located in the state of _____:
[A] Sikkim
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] West Bengal
[D] Jammu & Kashmir
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Correct Answer: C [West Bengal]
The highest railway station in India is located in the state of West Bengal. Ghum railway station of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is the highest railway station in India. It is situated at an altitude of 2,258 metres (7,407 ft). The place is the home of the Ghum Monastery and the Batasia Loop, a bend of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.
44. According to the Census 2011, what is the population density of India?
[A] 352 per sq. km
[B] 362 per sq. km
[C] 372 per sq. km
[D] 382 per sq. km
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Correct Answer: D [382 per sq. km]
As per the 2011 Census, the population density of India in terms of number of persons per square kilometre is 382 persons per sq km as compared to 325 persons per sq km in the 2001 Census. Bihar is the densest state of India with a population density of 1,106 people per sq km.
45. In which state is the Chamera Hydro Electric Project located?
[A] Punjab
[B] Gujarat
[C] Maharashtra
[D] Himachal Pradesh
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Correct Answer: D [Himachal Pradesh]
The Chamera Hydro Electric Project is located near the town of Dalhousie, in the Chamba district in Himachal Pradesh. It impounds the River Ravi and supports the hydroelectricity project in the region. The reservoir of the dam is the Chamera Lake.
46. Around the arrival of monsoon, the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues constantly for several days. This is known as the ______ of the monsoon:
[A] Hit
[B] Peak
[C] Burst
[D] Closure
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Correct Answer: C [Burst]
The Monsoon, unlike the trades, are not steady winds but are pulsating in nature, affected by different atmospheric conditions encountered by it, on its way over the warm tropical seas. The duration of the monsoon is between 100- 120 days from early June to mid-September. Around the time of its arrival, the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues constantly for several days. This is known as the ‘burst’ of the monsoon, and can be distinguished from the pre-monsoon showers.
47. The ship building yard-Mazgaon Dock is located at _____:
[A] Kochi
[B] Kolkata
[C] Mumbai
[D] Vishakhapatnam
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Correct Answer: C [Mumbai]
Mazagon Dock is situated in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is India’s prime shipyard that manufactures warships and submarines for the Indian Navy, and offshore platforms and associated support vessels for offshore oil drilling. It also builds tankers, cargo bulk carriers, passenger ships and ferries.
48. Generally, the soil of the northern plains of India has been formed by ______:
[A] Aggradation
[B] Weathering in situ
[C] Erosion
[D] Degradation
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Correct Answer: A [Aggradation]
The Northern Fertile Plain lies to the south of Himalayan Region. It is also called the Gangetic Plain. It is a vast plain and level land between the Himalayas in the North and Deccan Plateau in the South. The soil of this plain is built of the sediments brought down by the rivers from Himalayas. Such plain is called an alluvial plain and is very fertile. This plain is one of the largest and most fertile plains of the World.
49. Where are the Todas found?
[A] Tamil Nadu
[B] Rajasthan
[C] Madhya Pradesh
[D] Arunachal Pradesh
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Correct Answer: A [Tamil Nadu]
The Toda people are a small pastoral community who live on the isolated Nilgiri plateau in Tamil Nadu. The Toda lands are now a part of The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO-designated International Biosphere Reserve.
50. The coastal tract of Andhara Pradesh and Tamil Nadu is called ______:
[A] Konkan
[B] East Coast
[C] Coromandel
[D] Malabar Coast
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Correct Answer: C [Coromandel]
The Coromandel Coast is the name given to the southeastern coast of the Indian Subcontinent between Cape Comorin and False Divi Point. It may also include the southeastern coast of the island of Sri Lanka. The eastern coastal strip is known as the Coramandel Coast (or Payan Ghat in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu). It varies in width from 100 to 130 km, and extends from the delta of the Godavari to Kanyakumari.