Physicist Prof. Ashok Sen wins The Fundamental Physics Prize (Yuri Milner Prize, Russian Nobel) – GKToday

Physicist Prof. Ashok Sen wins The Fundamental Physics Prize (Yuri Milner Prize, Russian Nobel)

Prof. Ashok Sen, a theoretical Indian Physicist at Allahabad is one among the nine winners of the first Yuri Milner Prize which is worth $ 3 million, the biggest academic prize in the world in terms of prized money. The prized money is around threefold as compared to the Nobel Prize.

Prof. Sen has been recognized for his String Theory.

The String Theory describes all forces of nature, incorporating the physics of gravity as well as Quantum field theory. Opening the path to the realization that all string theories are different limits of the same underlying theory.

What is The Fundamental Physics Prize (or Yuri Milner Prize or Russian Nobel) ?

Who is Yuri Milner?

Why Fundamental Physics Prize?

Yuri Milner Prize v/s Nobel Prize:


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