All India Radio

All India Radio to be Exclusively Known as Akashvani

The Central Government has ordered that All India Radio (AIR), the country’s public broadcaster, be exclusively referred to as Akashvani in all broadcasts and programmes. This move is in line with the Prasar Bharati Act, 1990, passed by Parliament, and ..



Prasar Bharati Revamp

The Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network Development scheme was recently launched to provide financial support to Prasar Bharati, the public broadcaster of India. It aims to boost the infrastructure of public sector broadcasters in the country such as Doordarshan, All India ..



Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network Development (BIND) scheme

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has recently approved a large infrastructure development scheme for Prasar Bharati, the public broadcasting service in India that heads All India Radio and Doordarshan. The Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network Development (BIND) scheme, worth over ..



Matdata Junction

The Chief Election Commissioner of India Rajiv Kumar launched the radio series “Matdata Junction”. Key facts Matdata Junction is a year-long voter awareness programme launched jointly by the Election Commission of India (ECI) and the All India Radio (AIR). This ..



National Broadcasting Day 2022

On July 23, India celebrates the National Broadcasting Day, with the aim of reminding people regarding the impact of radio on our lives. It marks the establishment of first-ever radio broadcast “All India Radio (AIR)” in India. All India Radio ..



National Broadcasting Day

On July 23rd, National Broadcasting Day is observed across the country annually.   About this day On this day in the year 1927, the Indian Broadcasting Company (IBC) started radio broadcasting from the Bombay station. To mark this event, All ..


NewsOnAir Radio Live-stream Global Rankings released

NewsOnAir Radio Live-stream Global Rankings was released recently ranking countries where All India Radio (AIR) live-streams on NewsOnAir app are most popular. Key findings In the ranking, Fiji has jumped from 5th position to 2nd. Saudi Arabia has again made ..


February 13: World Radio Day

The World Radio Day (WRD) is being celebrated across the world on February 13, 2021. This year, the marks the 10th anniversary of the proclamation of the world radio day and more than 110 years of radio. The day will ..
