UNEP launches Green Fins Hub

The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the UK-based charity Reef-World Foundation have launched the Green Fins Hub to boost sustainable marine tourism.

Key features

  • The Green Fins Hub is first-ever global marine tourism industry platform that would help diving and snorkelling operators across the world to make simple, cost-efficient changes in their daily practices by implementing international best practices that promotes sustainability of marine tourism.
  • The platform would enable operators keep track of their yearly improvements and communicate with their communities and customers.
  • It was developed by The Reef-World Foundation in collaboration with the UNEP.
  • It would help spread awareness about the global best practices to protect the coral reefs and their fragile marine ecosystems.
  • The Green Fins Community Forum in this platform would enable operators to discuss environmental issues, share best practices and raise the industry needs to the governments, non-profits and the overall industry.
  • The Green Fins Solutions Library provides some 100 proven environmental solutions to solve daily operational challenges.
  • The Action Plan Tracker would enable members to receive annual sustainability action plan with specific goals.
  • The platform serves two types of membership – Digital Membership and Green Fin Certified Members.
  • The Digital membership would be available for snorkel and liveaboard operations across the world. Throughout the one-year membership, operators will receive environmental scores based on an online self-evaluation. This would enable them to assess their progress on their action plans.
  • The Green Fins Certified Members will be assessed annually and be trained in person at their operation. The assessment would be made using a scoring system, in which low score implies low impact of a business on coral reefs. A minimum threshold of 200 or below of environmental impact score is required for becoming a Green Fins Certified Member.
  • The new digital platform is expected to reach from 700 operators across 14 countries.



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