GK & Current Affairs Quiz: November 23, 2019
November 23, 2019 May 21, 2021
1. Which tech giant has launched ‘K-12 Education Transformation Framework’ to facilitate digital transformation of schools in India?
[A] Twitter
[B] Wipro
[C] Facebook
[D] Microsoft
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Correct Answer: D [Microsoft]
Microsoft has launched its ‘K-12 Education Transformation Framework’ to facilitate comprehensive digital transformation of schools in India. The framework consists of four pillars — Leadership and policy, Modern teaching and learning, Intelligent environments and Technology blueprint. The purpose of the framework is to provide education leadership, government decision-makers, teachers and most importantly learners, tools to achieve the ambitious change many schools seek, and to thoughtfully integrate technology in powerful and productive ways.
2. Which state government has decided to legalize the cultivation of cannabis in the state for medical and industrial purpose?
[A] Haryana
[B] Karnataka
[C] Madhya Pradesh
[D] Punjab
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Correct Answer: C [Madhya Pradesh]
The Madhya Pradesh government has decided to legalize the cultivation of cannabis in the state for medical and industrial purpose. It is clear that the farmers can only sell their produce to the government and not to private buyers. The government will allow the farming of hemp (a type of marijuana) for medical purposes like in the treatment of cancer. Hemp with a Tetra-Hydro-Cannabinol (THC) content of 0.3 to 1.5% can be used for industrial purposes like in the manufacturing of fiber.
3. Chitharesh Natesan, who became the first Indian to be crowned Mr Universe 2019, is from which state?
[A] Telangana
[B] Tamil Nadu
[C] Odisha
[D] Kerala
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Correct Answer: D [Kerala]
Indian bodybuilder Chitharesh Natesan from Kerala has become the first Indian to be crowned Mr Universe 2019 at the 11th World Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championship (WBPF) at the Island city of Jeju in South Korea. He won the title in the 90 kg category in the WBPF 2019. Earlier, he also bagged the Mr Asia 2019 title at the Asian Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championship (ABBF) held in Thailand in October.
4. Which Indian organisation hosted the first-ever Counter Terrorism Table Top Exercise (CTTE) for the Quad countries?
[D] Indian Army
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Correct Answer: C [NIA]
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) hosted the first-ever Counter Terrorism Table Top Exercise (CTTE) for the Quad countries at its headquarters in Delhi on November 21-22, 2019. The Quad countries include the United States (US), India, Australia, and Japan. According to the NIA, the exercise was to assess and validate Counter Terrorism (CT) response mechanisms in the light of emerging terrorist threats. It also aims to provide opportunities to share the best practices and to explore areas for enhanced cooperation amongst participating countries.
5. Which union ministry is organizing the Destination North East (NE) in Varanasi?
[A] Ministry of Home Affairs
[B] Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region
[C] Ministry of Finance
[D] Ministry of Defense
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Correct Answer: B [Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region]
The Destination North East (NE) Festival is being organized by the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh on 23rd November 2019. The 4-day festival will showcase art, culture, cuisine, handicrafts and handlooms of the northeastern region. During the festival, the visitors will have live experience of the artisans and artistes from the Northeast working on their looms and crafts, performing their songs and dances in the open stage.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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