Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – January 31, 2023 [Mock Test]
February 11, 2023 February 11, 2023

1. With respect to the Agni Prime missile, consider the following statements:
- It is a three-stage cansterised soild propellant ballistic missile.
- It has a dual redundant navigation and guidance system.
- It is a surface-to-surface ballistic missile with a range of over 5,000 km.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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Correct Answer: B [Only 2]
Notes:- Agni Prime is a two-stage canisterised missile.
- It is the latest and sixth variant of the Agni series missiles (under IGMDP – Integrated Guided Missile Development Program).
- It is a two-stage canisterised solid propellant ballistic missile with dual redundant navigation and guidance system.
- It is a canisterised surface-to-surface ballistic missile with a range capability between 1,000 and 2,000 km.
- Range of other Agni Missiles:
- Agni I: Range of 700-800 km.
- Agni II: Range more than 2000 km.
- Agni III: Range of more than 2,500 Km
- Agni IV: Range is more than 3,500 km and can fire from a road mobile launcher.
- Agni-V: The longest of the Agni series, an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) with a range of over 5,000 km.
2. Consider the following statements:
- International Stuttering Awareness Day is celebrated on October 22.
- The theme for 2022’s International Stuttering Awareness Day is “Being seen, being heard: Representation and normalisation of stuttering in the mainstream,”.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2
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Correct Answer: C [Both 1 & 2]
Notes:- International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD) or International Stammering Awareness Day is celebrated on October 22. The day creates awareness about the speech disorder known as stuttering or stammering. Stuttering refers to disruptions in the fluency of speech. Its symptoms include involuntary repetition of words and temporary inability or difficulty to utter sounds or words, among others.
- The theme for 2022’s International Stuttering Awareness Day is “Being seen, being heard: Representation and normalisation of stuttering in the mainstream,”.
- In 1997, at the International Fluency Association (IFA) conference, Michael Sugarman, the co-founder of the National Stuttering project, raised the call for an international day for stuttering awareness. Sugarman’s wish was granted in 1998 when the European League of Stuttering Associations, International Fluency Association and ISA declared October 22 as Stuttering Awareness Day.
3. Which of the following countries are the top three countries in the new centi-millionaires report?
- India
- US
- Switzerland
- China
- UK
- Japan
Choose the correct answer using the codes given below:
[A] Only 1, 2 & 3
[B] Only 2, 3 & 5
[C] Only 1, 2 & 4
[D] Only 3, 4 & 6
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Correct Answer: C [Only 1, 2 & 4]
Notes:- With levels of poverty, inflation and hunger notwithstanding, India ranks third in the world’s first-ever global study on the rise of centi-millionaires — individuals with assets of more than Rs 830 crore ($100 million), a new report has revealed.
- Of the world’s 25,490 centi-millionaires, the US, which ranks at number 1, is home to 38 per cent (9,730) of global centi-millionaires, despite constituting only 4 per cent of the world’s total population.
- It is closely followed by big emerging markets of China and India in second and third place, with 2,021 and 1,132 centi-millionaires, respectively. The UK is in fourth place (with 968 centi-millionaires) followed closely by Germany in fifth place (with 966). Switzerland (808), Japan (765), Canada (541), Australia (463), and finally Russia (435) make up the rest of the top 10 countries for centi-millionaires.