INS Shakti

INS Shakti reached Sri Lanka with 100 tonnes of Liquid Medical Oxygen

Indian naval ship (INS) Shakti reached Sri Lanka on August 22, 2021 carrying 100 tonnes of liquid medical oxygen (LMO) in a bid to help the island nation in combating the Covid-19 pandemic. Highlights INS Shakti was deployed for the ..


SIMBEX-2019: scheduled from 16 May to 22 May 2019

After the completion of naval exercise IMDEX-19 recetly, the Kolkata Class Destroyers Indian Naval ships namely INS Kolkata and INS Shakti are participating in SIMBEX-2019. Key Highlights About: SIMBEX (Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise) is an annual bilateral naval exercise ..



Indian Naval Ship (INS) Kolkata and INS Shakti along with long-range maritime patrol aircraft Poseidon-8I (P8I) are continuing are participating in the annual Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise 2019 SIMBEX-2019 scheduled from 16 May to 22 May 19. SIMBEX 2019 ..

26th naval drill exercise “SIMBEX-19” started between India and Singapore

The 26th edition of Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise (SIMBEX)-19 has commenced in the South China Sea on May 19. The 4-day naval drill exercise will include various maritime combat drills such as advanced aerial tracking, coordinated targeting tactical exercises ..

IMDEX Asia-2019

The International Maritime Defence Exhibition Asia (IMDEX Asia-2019) was held in Singapore. IMDEX Asia 2019 IMDEX Asia is Asia Pacific’s premier international maritime defence show. The exhibition organised by Experia Events Pte Ltd and supported by the Republic of Singapore ..

Singapore & South Korea jointly organize 2019 ADMM-PLUS maritime exercise

The 18 nations ADMM-Plus (Asean Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus) multilateral maritime security field exercise has recently concluded in Singapore on May 13. In it, two Indian Navy ships – Guided Missile Destroyer INS Kolkata and Fleet Support Ship INS Shakti carried ..

ADMM-PLUS exercise concludes in Singapore

The ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM)-Plus Maritime Security Field Training Exercise (MS FTX) in the South China Sea concluded on 13 May 2019 at RSS Singapura ( also known as Changi Naval Base) in Singapore. Key Highlights Schedule: The ADMM-Plus ..


Indian Navy joins Exercise in South China Sea

Two Indian Navy ships INS Kolkata and INS Shakti carried out a six day long ‘Group Sail’ (starting from 3 May and ending on 9 May) with naval ships of USA, Japan and Philippines in South China Sea (SCS). About ..
