Economic history of India

Planning Commission approves Rs. 3,535 cr annual plan 2012-13 for Arunachal Pradesh

Planning Commission approved the Annual Plan Size 2012-13 for Arunachal Pradesh at Rs. 3,535 crores. The plan has seen a 20.1%, increase over last year’s revised outlay of Rs. 2942.6 crores. The state was highly praised by Planning Commission for ..


Planning Commission setting target of reducing poverty by 10% by end of 12th plan

By the end of the 12th plan, the Planning Commission is setting a target of bringing down poverty by 10%. The Commission had set a like target during the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12). As per the data, the rate ..


Plan Expenditures, Non-Plan Expenditures & Gross Budgetary Support

This article differentiates Plan Expenditure, Non-Plan Expenditure and Gross Budgetary Support and explains why the Rangarajan Panel calls for removal of plan, non-plan distinction. We all know about the Five Year Plans. In the annual budgets, the central plan is the government’s ..



12th Five Year Plan: Growth target 9%

Recently, it was made clear that Planning Commission will aim to achieve an average economic growth of 9% over the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17). The plan will primarily maintain the agenda of inclusive growth of the ongoing 11th plan ..


Rolling Plans

The Janta Government terminated the fifth five year plan in 1977-78 and launched its own sixth five year plan for period 1978-83 and called it a Rolling Plan. Meaning of Rolling Plan The meaning of the Rolling Plan was that ..

Fifth Five Year Plan

The Fifth Five Year Plan India was sketched out for the period spanning 1974 to 1979 with the objectives of increasing the employment level, reducing poverty, and attaining self-reliance. The twin objectives of poverty eradication and attainment of self reliance were inculcated ..

7th Five Year Plan: 1985-90

A long term plan was outlined for 1985-2000 and the 7th five year plan was announced in this backdrop on November 9, 1985. This plan was started by Rajiv Gandhi government when Dr. Manmohan Singh was Deputy chairman of planning ..

History : Compendium-2

Here are a few Indian History Questions for students preparing for SSC CGL examinations of 2016 and 2017. What is Sangam Literature? Sangam literature refers to a body of classical Tamil literature created between the 6th century to 3rd century ..