Unified District Information System for Education plus (UDISE+) Report
The Union Education Ministry released the detailed report on Unified District Information System for Education Plus (UDISE+) 2021-22 on school education of India. About UDISE Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) was initiated in 2012-13. It is one of ..
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2022
Category: Reports & Indexes Current Affairs
Draft India Data Accessibility & Use Policy, 2022
A draft data policy has been published by the central government. This policy states that all data collected, maintained, and generated, by every government ministry and agency shall be open and shareable. The government could also monetize and earn from ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2022
Category: India Nation & States Current Affairs
PM SVANidhi Scheme: API Integration with SBI Portal
On October 7, 2020 Government of India launched the API (Application Programming Integration) between State Bank of India portal and PM SVANidhi Portal. Highlights In simple terms, action programming interface is the connection between two or more applications that allows ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2020
GOI launches three AYUSH based Researches
On May 6, 2020, the Ministry of AYUSH launched three studies related to COVID-19. The researches will help in studying impacts of AYUSH based prophylactic interventions in preventing COVID-19. (Prophylactic means intended to prevent diseases). Task Force The interdisciplinary AYUSH ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2020
WHO: Other Countries will follow China in revising their death toll
On April 18, 2020, the World Health Organization announced that many countries are to follow China in updating their death tolls due to COVID-19. This will happen after they bring the spread of the virus under control. Highlights The major ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
Integrated Geospatial Platform to complement Arogya Setu
On April 15, 2020, the Department of Science and Technology launched Integrated Geospatial Platform to complement Arogya Setu and integrate data from several other initiatives. The platform will help in planning area-specific strategies to handle socio-economic impacts of COVID-19. The ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
Exercise NCC Yogdan launched to fight COVID-19
On April 2, 2020, the National Cadet Corps (NCC) launched “Exercise NCC Yogdan” to offer a helping hand to the authorities fighting against COVID-19. Highlights Under the exercise, the NCC cadets are envisaged to work in call centres and helpline ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
Arogya Setu: Mulit-Lingual Mobile Application launched by GoI to track COVID-19
On April 2, 2020, National Informatics Center operating under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has developed an application “Arogya Sethu”. The app alerts the person whenever he comes in contact within six feet of COVID-19 infected person. Key Features ..