Today’s GK Questions (Static GK/GS) – July 6, 2019

Here are 10 GK questions for today, July 6, 2019 for various competitive exams in India.

Which among the following soil is rich in minerals?
Which of the following waves can be used to measure the speed of a approaching car?
Who among the following was the most important divinity during the early Vedic era?
Who invaded India in 1398 AD during the reign of Nasiruddin Mahmud of Tughlaq Dynasty?
In 2001, the North Magnetic Pole was determined by the Geological Survey of Canada to lie near which of the following Canadian Island?
Consider the following:
  1. First man to reach at South Pole
  2. First Man Cosmonaut
  3. First Person to Sail around the World
  4. First Woman Cosmonaut
  5. First Woman to climb Mount Everest
Which among the above have the same nationality?
At the time of independence, Indian rupee was divided into how many annas, paise and pies?
Which of the following physical quantities do not have any unit of measurement?
Which of the following devices usually come with touchscreens?
Why the Indian farmers plough their fields during the time interval between two crops?

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