Quiz 409: General Knowledge Questions For All Examinations – GKToday

Quiz 409: General Knowledge Questions For All Examinations

Dendrochronology is the scientific method of dating based on the analysis of patterns of tree-rings. In a tree from which of the following zones, the analyzing the circles would be most easy?
Consider the Following: 
  1. Crop Rotation helps in avoiding the building up of Pathogens 
  2. Crop Rotation avoids Excessive depletion of Soil Nutrients 
  3. Crop Rotation involves alternative cultivation of cereals like wheat
Which among the above statements are correct?
Consider the following statements: 
  1. It takes approximately 11 seconds for the light to reach the earth from moon
  2. It takes approximately  8 minutes for the light to reach from the sun. 
  3. It takes 4.22 years for the light to reach from the nearest star Alpha Centauri 
Which among the above statements is/ are correct ?
Consider the following statements: 
  1. It takes approx. 11 seconds for the light to reach the earth from moon
  2. It takes approx. 8 minutes for the light to reach from the sun. 
  3. It takes 4.22 years for the light to reach from the nearest star Alpha Centauri 
Which among the above statements is/ are correct ?
At which of the following places water shall boil at the lowest temperature?
As we all know that, Gunpowder is a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate. Which among these components adds in speeding up the burning of the Gun Powder?
What is the average life of Red Blood cells in our body?
What name has been given to the fear of crossing roads?
Consider the following statements: 
  1. Color blindness is more common in men 
  2. Color blindness is an X-linked recessive trait
  3. If both the X chromosomes are defective, a woman may have color blindness 
Which among the above statements are correct:
Which of the following country is the largest producer of Uranium?

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