MeerKAT Radio Telescope: Two Giant Radio Galaxies discovered – GKToday

MeerKAT Radio Telescope: Two Giant Radio Galaxies discovered

The MeerKAT Radio Telescope recently discovered two giant radio galaxies. The galaxies were discovered under the MIGHTEE survey. The discovered galaxies are bigger than 93% of any other giants discovered before. They were 62 times the size of Milky Way. Light takes 6.5 million light years to travel from one end to the other.

MeerKAT Radio Telescope

Square Kilometre Array

The receiving stations of SKA are to extend out to a distance of 3,000 kilometres. The SKA is being built in Australia and South Africa. The four precursor facilities of the project are as follows:

The SKA is an international effort to build the world largest radio telescope. The Karoo region in South Africa and the Murchison Shire region in Australia were chosen for technical and scientific reasons. The atmospheric above the deserts are favourable with clear sky and provide maximum radio quietness.


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