Milky Way

What are Dark Sirens?

A team of scientists have recently found a way to solve cosmological tensions through dark sirens. What are Dark Sirens? The Dark Sirens are nothing but gravitational waves from neutron stars or black holes. The Dark sirens can be picked ..


What are Quasars? How do they help in understanding Universe?

Recently, a group of astronomers have discovered a dozen of quasars that were warped by naturally occurring cosmic lens. Warping is twisting. With this discovery, the number of known quasars have increased by 25%. This can help to determine the ..


First Image of Black Hole Magnetic Field

For the first time, international scientists working on the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) have created an image showing the magnetic field around a black hole. The black hole is located in M87 galaxy. Black Hole Magnetic Field Image In 2019, ..


Concentration of Small Black Holes discovered in cluster NGC 6397

The astronomers have discovered a concentration of smaller black holes in the cluster NGC 6397. Small black holes were discovered instead of one massive black hole at the heart of the cluster. Key facts The Globular clusters are a dense ..


MeerKAT Radio Telescope: Two Giant Radio Galaxies discovered

The MeerKAT Radio Telescope recently discovered two giant radio galaxies. The galaxies were discovered under the MIGHTEE survey. The discovered galaxies are bigger than 93% of any other giants discovered before. They were 62 times the size of Milky Way. ..


UVIT of ISRO: Rare UV-Bright Stars spotted

The Astronomers have spotted massive hot UV-Bright stars in Milky Way Galaxy with the help of UVIT. UVIT is Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope. It is placed in Astrosat satellite. The Astrosat is the first multi wavelength space satellite of India. ..
