India and World: The Changed Perceptions – GKToday

India and World: The Changed Perceptions

Historically, India was seen as a poor developing country with a low visibility on global politico-economical front.  All western powers including United States saw India as a local / regional power in South Asia without any global weight. Over the years, this perception has changed to a great extent. How and to what extent?

The Changed Perceptions

In the pre-1990 era, India there were three main problems. First was India’s weak and protected economy, not integrated to global economic environment. Second was politics of Cold war. In those days, the policy of non-alignment was seen as India’s veiled alignment to USSR, especially after the Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship in 1971. Third was various disagreements over India’s nuclear programme.

The week and protected economy projected India as a poor nation that can exert little influence on global markets.  The non-aligned foreign policy caused periodic tension with western powers, particularly Washington. United States generally fixated on India’s rivalry with Pakistan.

However, in last two decades, this perception has changed. There are several reasons for this.

In summary, India’s long democratic ethos, economic growth, science and technology development, skilled labor, huge market, its continued fight with against terrorism have found resonance among western powers.

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