Global Report on Food Crisis, 2020 – GKToday

Global Report on Food Crisis, 2020

The Global Report on Food Crisis, 2020 was released by the Global Network against Food Crisis. The report says that around 135 million people are living under food crisis.


According to the report, the numbers have increased. In 2019, the number of people living under food crisis were 113 million. Yemen was the at the top, with 15.9 million people under food crisis. This was 53% of population of the country.

The top 10 countries that were under food crisis contributed to 65% of the world population. These countries were Yemen, D R Congo, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Syria, Sudan, Northern Nigeria and Haiti.

Key Findings of the report

Over 75 million children were reported to be stunted and they were spread across 55 food crisis countries. As 2019, conflict and insecurity were the main drivers of food crisis in 2020 as well. Africa had the largest number of food insecure people in the world.

Global Network against Food Crisis

The Global Network against food crisis was an initiative that was launched by European Union, World Food Programme, and Food and Agriculture Organization. The network aims at delivering and formulating nutrition and food security in food crisis. It works towards achieving zero hunger goal. Zero Hunger Goal is one of the Sustainable Development Agenda, 2030.


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