Daily Current Affairs Quiz : June 9, 2021
June 9, 2021 June 8, 2021
1. Square Inc belongs to the owner of which social media major?
[A] Facebook
[B] WhatsApp
[C] Twitter
[D] Tinder
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Correct Answer: C [Twitter]
Square Inc, which belongs to the Twitter owner Jack Dorsey, has announced that it would invest 5 million to build an open-source, solar-powered bitcoin mining facility.
In this regard, Square Inc has announced a partnership with Blockchain technology company Blockstream Mining and the proposed facility would be constructed at one of Blockstream’s sites in the USA.
2. ‘Jahan Vote, Wahan Vaccination’ campaign is an initiative of which institution?
[A] Election Commission of India
[B] Government of Delhi
[C] Home Ministry
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Correct Answer: B [Government of Delhi]
The Government of Delhi has launched a campaign named ‘Jahan Vote, Wahan Vaccination’ which aims to vaccinate all the people of Delhi, aged 45 years and above within the next four weeks.
Under this campaign, people residing in Delhi have been advised to get themselves vaccinated in their designated polling station.
3. Which intergovernmental group has announced the minimum global tax on multinational companies?
[B] G 7
[C] European Union
[D] G 20
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Correct Answer: B [G 7]
The Group of seven (G-7) advanced economies has recently made an announcement on taxing multinational companies. This would be the “Minimum global tax rate” and its lower floor limit has been fixed at 15%.
G7 is an intergovernmental organization comprising Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
4. Which state has released a short film on Chhatrapati Shivaji, titled ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Shivrajyabhishek Divas’?
[A] Maharashtra
[B] Madhya Pradesh
[C] Goa
[D] Karnataka
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Correct Answer: C [Goa]
The State Government of Goa has released a short film on Chhatrapati Shivaji, titled “Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Shivrajyabhishek Divas”, on the occasion of the king’s coronation day.
This film has been released in Konkani and Hindi versions. It covers the history of Goa and the role of Shivaji in Goa’s fight against the Portuguese. It is set to restore the forts, temples built by the king.
5. Database named “I-Familia” has been launched by which organization?
[B] World Bank
[C] Interpol
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Correct Answer: C [Interpol]
The international law enforcement agency Interpol has launched a global database named “I-Familia”. This database is aimed to identify missing persons, using the DNA of family members.
I-Familia has three components namely a dedicated global database on DNA profiles, DNA matching software called Bonaparte and interpretation guidelines developed by Interpol.

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