ARCI develop Ultra Violet based disinfection cabinet

The Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy along with the Mekins Industries have developed UVC based Cabinet to disinfect COVID-19 patients.

About the Cabinet

The Cabinet can be used to disinfect items used in commercial establishments and also in day to day life.


During the early times of COVID-19, India was able to control the spread of the virus successfully. However, with the lock down being relaxed in phases, there are possibilities of slow spread of the disease. This might happen through surface contamination. In order to contain the spread, it is essential to widen the use of disinfection cabinets as the one created by ARCI.


The Cabinet used Ultra Violet C radiation to disinfect the virus. The wavelength of UVC is 254 nm. When the UVC is absorbed by RNA of COVID-19, it leads to molecular structural damage to the virus. This is achieved through photodimerization process.


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