UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 507

Consider the following:
  1. High food, commodity and energy prices
  2. Sovereign debt problems
  3. High level of government debt
The Economy of India is facing which among the above problems now a days?
Which of the following tribal community of North East India is made of one language, but two religions?
The formation of soil depends on which of the following factors?
  1. Parent rock
  2. Climate
  3. Biological activity
  4. Time period
Select the correct option from codes given below:
The First Green Revolution resulted in substantial increase in which of the following?
  1. area under cultivation
  2. production and productivity of all foodgrains
  3. per capita consumption of chemical fertilizers
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
India's first monorail service has been started in which state?

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