Weather hazards

WEF: Global Risks Report, 2020

On January 15, 2020, the World Economic Forum released its Global Risks Report. Under the report, the Forum has identified the global risks. Top Risks The top 5 Global risks according to the report are as follows The Forum reported ..


National Workshop on HeatWave 2020

The National Workshop on Preparedness, Mitigation and Management of Heat Wave was inaugurated in Bengaluru, Karnataka on December 5th. This 2 day workshop is being jointly organised by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and the state government of Karnataka. ..

Tropical Storm Imelda causes Havoc

Heavy rains from Tropical Depression Imelda deluged parts of Texas and Louisiana of the US. The Imelda storm system brought the risk of severe weather disruptions and prompted tornado warnings Thursday morning in the areas hit hardest by the flooding. Tropical ..

Scientists of China & United States develop a statistical model that predict pollution levels using oceans’ memory

Researchers from China and the U.S. have developed a novel computer model that can help accurately predict air pollution levels in the region a season in advance. The statistical model uses certain climatic patterns related to the oceans which have ..

Why did the US storm bring dirty snow?

The ‘bomb cyclone’ that severed disasters in Minnesota and other upper parts of Mid west dumped in lot of dirt. The freshly falling snow was decolourised. The snow was not the usual pure white. It had lot of dust. The ..

Researchers at GRAPES-3 muon telescope facility in Ooty measures electrical potential, size and height of a thundercloud

For the first time in the world, researchers at the GRAPES-3 muon telescope facility in Ooty have measured the electrical potential, size and height of a thundercloud that passed overhead on December 1, 2014. The study of thunderclouds is helpful ..

22 states of US are on serious flooding risks

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that at least 25 states and two ”thirds of 48 states will face a risk of flooding till May. The floods can be worse than the historic floods of 1993. Scientists say that ..

2 cyclones hit the coasts of Australia

Cyclone trevor will hit the north coasts of Australia. It is predicted to bring wind gusts of 280 km per hour.  The cyclone Veronica is to hit the western coasts of Australia. Australia is prone to cyclones in the months ..