Swine Flu
World’s first Human case of H10N3 Bird Flu
First Human case of H10N3 bird flu was reported in eastern province of Jiangsu in China. Highlights A 41-year-old man has become first human case of infection with H10N3 strain of bird flu. He was diagnosed of H10N3 avian influenza ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2021
Russia produces COVID-19 vaccines for animals
Russia recently produced the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines for animals. The name of the vaccine is Carnivac-Cov. The World Health Organisation recently confirmed the possibility for transmission of virus between humans and virus. Evidences In 2020, Denmark killed more ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2021
WHO Guidelines on Zoonosis
The World Health Organisation, United Nations Environment Programme and the World Organisation for Animal Health laid down fresh guidelines to reduce the risk of transmission of zoonotic pathogens to humans in food production. Guidelines Suspension of trade in live caught ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
New Strain of Swine Flu Virus having Human Pandemic Potential Discovered in China
A new virus has been discovered by scientists in China that is quite similar to the 2009 Swine Flu that caused a global pandemic. The new strain of the virus is named as ‘G4 EA H1N1 (commonly called G4 virus)’, ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2020
African Swine Flu in Assam
On May 3, 2020, the Assam Government confirmed that more than 2,500 pigs in 306 villages were killed due to African Swine Flu in Assam. There was no relevance brought with COVID-19. Highlights The reason of death of the pigs ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2020
Five Judges of Supreme Court infected with Swine Flu; Ministry of Health takes immediate actions
On February 25, 2020, five judges of Supreme Court were infected from Swine Flu. Though the disease caused by H1N1 virus is seasonal, the Ministry of Health took several preventive measures in order to prevent further spread of the disease. ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2020
Make in India: Diagnostic kits released
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) have developed two diagnostic kits under Make in India initiative. The kits are called Blue tongue sandwich ELISA (sELISA) and Japanese Encephalitis lgM ELISA. Purpose of ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2019
Punjab Government notifies swine flu under Epidemic Disease Act
Punjab Government has notified swine flu (H1N1) under the Epidemic Disease Act to prevent the spread of disease in the state. In the regard, Health and Family Welfare Department of state has issued notification based on recommendations of state advisory ..