
Support for Poor Prisoners Scheme

The Indian government has recently launched a special scheme called ‘Support for Poor Prisoners,’ aimed at providing financial assistance to poor prisoners who are unable to pay the penalty or the bail amount. The scheme was announced by the Home ..


COVID-19 and Prisons

After COVID-19 struck in 2020, the number of COVID-19 positive cases in prisons have become a cause of worry. With the prison occupancy rates at 118% social distancing is impossible. Background The prisons are overcrowded with more than 70% under ..


Punjab Prison Rules, 2021

The Punjab Cabinet recently approved Punjab Prison Rules, 2021. These rules were approved under the Prison Act, 1894. Background The Punjab Jail Manual of 1996 has become archaic. There is a need to update it in the changed scenario of ..


West Bengal government to construct ‘Safe Houses’for foreign ex-convicts in jail

The West Bengal Government has decided to construct two Safe Houses for foreign prisoners, whose period of punishment have been completed and waiting for extradition . These houseswill come up at Bongaon and New Town in North 24 Paraganas District for ..

National Conference on “Criminal Activities and Radicalization in Jails” organized by BPR&D

The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) has recently organized the National Conference on “Criminal Activities and Radicalization in Jails : Vulnerability of Inmates and Jail Staff and their Protection”  in New Delhi. The aim of the 2-day Conference ..

Maharashtra state Prison department rolls out a smart video- calling facility for female prisoners and inmates lodged at open jails

The Maharashtra Prison department has rolled out a smart video- calling facility for female prisoners and inmates lodged at open jails across the state, after gaining success in its pilot project at Pune’s Yerawada Central Prison (YCP). A prisoner can ..

Ministry of Women and Child Development launchs report titled ‘Women in Prisons’

The Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) has launched report titled ‘Women in Prisons’ which aims to build an understanding of the various entitlements of women in prisons, the various issues faced by them and possible methods for resolution ..

Telangana prisons department proposed to accommodate prisoners from overcrowded prisons in India

The Telangana prisons department has come up with first of its kind offer to rent out its jails to other states to lodge their convicts from 2018. The department has proposed to accommodate prisoners from overcrowded prisons in India at ..
