Land Revenue
NITI Aayog releases Draft Model Act on Land Titles
On October 30, 2020, NITI Aayog released Draft Model Act and rules for states on land titling. This has been introduced to reduce litigations. In turn, the process of land acquisition will get eased. Key Features The Model Act and ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2020
Punjab Government constitutes Revenue Commission
Punjab government has notified six-member Revenue Commission with an aim to bring greater efficiency and accountability in functioning of t Revenue Department. The Commission will be headed by (Retd.) Justice SS Saron of Punjab and Haryana High Court. Terms of ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2018
Land Ceiling and Consolidation of Land Holdings in India
The land ceiling acts define the size of land that an individual/family can own. In India, by 1961-62, all the state governments have passed the land ceiling acts. But the ceiling limits varied from state to state. To bring uniformity ..
Constitutional Provisions on Land and Land Reforms in India
The constitution of India has included the Land reform in State subjects. The Entry 18 of the State List is related to land and rights over the land. The state governments are given the power to enact laws over matters ..
Difference between Land Reforms and Agrarian Reforms
Land reforms refers to a wide variety of specific programmes and measures to bring about more effective control and use of land for the benefit of the community as a whole. Land reforms generally comprise the takeover of land by ..
Impact of British Policy on Indian Agriculture and Land
The British Era is also known as a period of commercial revolution in the agricultural sector. Commercialization of agriculture was coincident with Industrial revolution and became prominent around 1860 A.D. This brought about a change from cultivation for home consumption ..
Mahalwari System
The Zamindari as well as the Ryotwari System could not fulfil the expectations of the policymakers. A third type of system called Mahalwari system was introduced in Agra, Awadh (Oudh), Central parts of India, Punjab, parts of Gangetic valley etc ..
Ryotwari System
Ryotwari System was initially introduced by Shershah Suri. He had surveyed the entire land under cultivation of his territory and fixed per bigha due on the basis of average of three rates representing good, middle and low soils under continuous ..