Labour Reforms

India joins Reskilling Revolution Initiative at World Economic Forum as a Founding Member

On January 22, 2020, India joined Reskilling Revolution initiative of World Economic Forum. It helps economies to adopt o changes being introduced by Fourth Industrial Revolution. Highlights India joined the Reskilling Revolution Initiative launched at the World Economic Forum as ..


Cabinet approves Industrial Relations Code, 2019

On November 21, 2019, the Union Cabinet approved the introduction of Industrial Relations Code, 2019. This is the third code under labor reforms. Under the new code, forty-four laws are to be amalgamated into four codes. The four codes include ..


Rajasthan Labour Reforms

The labour reforms initiated by the government of Rajasthan have spurred growth in Rajasthan’s MSME sector. What were the Reforms? In 2014-15 the government of Rajasthan amended four labour laws: The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. The Contract Labour (Regulation & ..

Challenges for India in gaining from the US-China Trade War

India has wonderful opportunities to gain from the ongoing trade war between the US and China. But the structural challenges are blocking India from fully capitalising from these opportunities. Structural Challenges India lags in competitiveness. With the rank of 58, ..

Fact Box: The Code on Wages Bill, 2017

The Union Government as part of labour law reforms has undertaken drive to rationalize 38 Labour Acts by framing 4 labour codes viz Code on Wages, Code on Social Security, Code on Industrial Relations and Code on occupational safety, health ..


Cabinet approves new wage code bill to ensure minimum wage across all sectors

The Union Cabinet has approved the Labour Code on Wages Bill which will ensure a minimum wage across all sectors by integrating existing labour related laws. The Labour Code on Wages Bill consolidates the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Payment ..


Lok Sabha passes Employee’s Compensation (Amendment) Bill, 2016

The Lok Sabha has unanimously passed the Employee’s Compensation (Amendment) Bill, 2016 to reduce litigation in cases of disputes arising over compensation to workers. The Bill seeks to amend the Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923. This law provides payment of compensation ..


Rajasthan becomes first state to introduce minimum wages for part time workers

Rajasthan has become the first state in the country to introduce minimum wages for part time workers. In this regard, the Labour Department has issued a notification. With this, part time workers in the state now come under the Minimum ..
