Historical geography

IIT Hyderabad’s researchers develop bio-bricks from agricultural waste products

The researchers at IIT Hyderabad and KIIT School of Architecture (Bhubaneshwar) have developed bio-bricks for construction from agricultural waste products. The team’s bio-brick received a Special Recognition Trophy for sustainable housing at Rural Innovators Start-Up Conclave 2019 organised recently by ..

Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) 2019 to be held in Hyderabad

The 13th edition of Global Healthcare Summit (GHS-2019) will be held in Hyderabad, Telangana from July 21 to 24. The summit is being organized in partnership with the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. It would have over a ..

Bengaluru India’s most congested city

The US-based National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) has recently published the report titled ‘Mobility and Congestion in Urban India’. In it, Bengaluru has been ranked India’s most congested city followed by Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Pune. The ..

India’s first Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System launched in Kolkata

The Mayor of Kolkata Municipal Corporaton (KMC) has recently launched India’s first Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System (FFEWS) for Kolkata City to help city officials and citizens act decisively to minimize damage before and during disasters. India’s first comprehensive ..

Kerala bags two Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) gold awards 2018 for its innovative marketing campaigns

The Kerala Tourism has bagged two prestigious gold awards of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) for its innovative marketing campaigns at Langkawi, Malaysia during PATA Travel Mart 2018. The Kerala Tourism got the first gold for its ‘Yalla Kerala’ ..

India’s first exclusive dog park comes up in Hyderabad

India’s first exclusive and certified ‘Dog Park’ has come up in Hyderabad, which is spread over 1.3 acres. The park has been developed by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) at a cost of Rs. 1.1 crore on a site ..

Mumbai India’s most expensive city

According to Mercer’s 24th annual Cost of Living Survey 2018, Mumbai (55) is India’s most expensive city, followed by New Delhi (103) and Chennai (144). Kolkata (182) and Bengaluru (170) are the least expensive Indian cities ranked. As per survey, ..

Adiraju Venkateswara Rao, veteran journalist and author passes away

Adiraju Venkateswara Rao (80), the veteran journalist and author, has passed away in Hyderabad, Telangana on June 15, 2018. Popularly known as Adiraju, Venkateswara Rao was born in 1938 at Panditapuram village in Khammam district. In a career spanning over ..