crude oil

Treating Formation Water

The treatment of formation water, a byproduct of crude oil excavation and processing, holds significant importance in preventing environmental pollution and promoting sustainable practices. Scientists from the Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST) have developed a groundbreaking ..



Uganda’s First Oil Drilling Program

Uganda has one of the largest oil reserves in the Saharan desert according to the International Monetary Fund. Oil was discovered in Uganda twenty years back. But the production was delayed due to a lack of funds and infrastructure. With ..



Oil Companies Threatening Okavango, Murchison Falls

A report titled “Who is Financing Fossil Fuel Expansion in Africa?” was released recently by a German non-profit Urgewald. About Okavango delta The Okavango delta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a vast inland river delta in the northern part ..


Cut in Windfall Tax on petrol, diesel, ATF

On July 20, 2022, Union government reduced the windfall tax on petrol, diesel, crude oil and jet fuel, following the cut in international rates. Highlights Windfall tax on diesel and aviation turbine fuel (ATF) has been reduced by Rs 2 ..



Indian-Brazil Alliance for Bioenergy and Biofuels

Brazil and India have agreed to work towards the development of an Indian- Brazil Alliance for Bioenergy and Biofuels and will also be establishing a virtual India-Brazil Centre of Excellence on Ethanol. Overview: Both countries have agreed to make efforts ..



India’s Oil production in FY22

The crude oil production of India fell 2.67 percent in the fiscal year that ended on 31st March 2022. The production of ONGC was less than the target, but KG production by Reliance-BP’s natural gas output rose. Overview: In 2021-22 ..



Key Facts on Oil Bonds

The government issues oil bonds to compensate the oil marketing companies (OMCs) to offset the losses that are suffered by them with the aim of shielding consumers from rising crude oil prices. These bonds were issued by the government mainly ..



Milestone in India’s Export

India’s exports crossed the USD 400 billion mark in a fiscal year. This is the first time India’s export has reached such heights. Overview: This milestone has been achieved due to good performance by various sectors such as engineering, petroleum ..

