Capital punishment

Annual Death Penalty Report, 2022

The National Law University was established under the NLUA Act of 2007. Project 39A is a group associated with the university and it recently released a report called the Annual Death Penalty Report, 2022. According to the report, the number ..



Daniel Lewis Lee: First Federal Execution in US in 17 years

The United States Justice Department has stated that Daniel Lewis Lee (47), convicted of murdering three people of a family, was put to death by lethal injection. This is the first federal execution in the country in the last 17 ..


What is “Collective Conscience” invoked by Indian Courts in Death Penalty cases?

Project 39A was conducted by a team of National Law University, Delhi. According to the project, the Indian Courts invoke “Collective Conscience” of the society in most of the death penalty cases. Project details The study chose three states and ..


Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019

Both the houses of parliament have approved the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019. The Bill amends the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 seeks to protect children from offences such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, and ..

Abolition of Capital Punishment Bill, 2016

A bill to remove capital punishment, the Abolition of Capital Punishment Bill, 2016 is being discussed in the Rajya Sabha. What is happening? The Law Commission of India , had in 2015, released a report which recommended that the country ..

India abstains from voting on Torture Goods

India has abstained from voting on United Nation General Assembly (UNGA’s) resolution aimed at examining options to end trade in goods which are used for capital punishment and torture. India stated that it is unacceptable to place death penalty on ..


Brunei accused rude by EU

The EU officials accused Brunei as rude and abusive for imposing death penalty for gay sex. Brunei was condemned globally including the United Nations for its new law that punishes rape and gay sex with death and theft with amputation. ..

Brunei introduces harsh new sharia laws that make adultery and homsexuality punishable by stoning to death

Brunei has recently introduced harsh new Islamic laws that make adultery and homsexuality punishable by stoning to death. The new measures also cover a range of other crimes, including punishment for theft by amputation. The move makes Brunei the first ..