
Pakistan successfully tests Fatah-1

Pakistan conducted a successful test flight of Fatah-1 on August 24, 2021. About Fatah-1 Fatah-1 is a Pakistan-made guided multi-launch rocket system. It is capable of delivering conventional warheads up to a range of 140 kilometres. This new weapons system ..


Nuclear capable Agni-III ballistic missile fails in maiden night trial

The first night trial of long-range nuclear capable Agni-III surface-to-surface Ballistic Missile was carried out at Integrated Test Range (ITR) at APJ Abdul Kalam Island off Odisha coast. However, the Agni-III missile’s maiden night trial ended in ‘failure’. It is ..


Pakistan conducts test launch of surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘‘Shaheen-I’

On 18 Nov, Pakistan conducted a successful test launch of a surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Shaheen-I’ missile capable of delivering all types of warheads up to 650 kilometres. The launch was held as part of a training exercise “aimed at testing ..

India completes Agni II test fire successfully

India on November 11, 2019, conducted its first night trial of AGNI II missile successfully. It is the first night trial being tested by the country. The nuclear capable missile was tested at the Abdul Kalam Island of Odisha Coast. ..


India successfully carries out fresh user trial of Agni-III ballistic missile

India has successfully carried out a fresh user trial of Agni-III ballistic missile from a defence test facility in the Abdul Kalam Island. The Strategic Forces Command carried out the test with logistics support from Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO). The ..


India successfully test-fires nuclear-capable Agni-III ballistic missile

Nuclear-capable surface-to-surface Agni-III ballistic missile was successfully tested on 16 April 2015. The test was conducted from Wheelar Isalnd off the Odisha coast in the Bay of Bengal by the Strategic Force Command (SFC) with support of Defence Research and ..


India successfully test fires Agni-1 nuke missile user trial

India successfully test-fired its home-built nuclear potent Agni-I ballistic missile off Integrated Test Range at Wheeler Island, Odisha coast. Highlighting features of Agni-1: Strike range: 700 km Surface-to-surface Single-stage missile Powered by solid propellants Weighs 12 tonnes, 15-metre-long Carrying capacity: ..


Pak successfully test-fires Hatf IV, Shaheen 1A missile

Pakistan successfully test-fired long-range Hatf IV, Shaheen 1A ballistic missile in the Indian Ocean. The missile’s range and technical parameters have been improved while it is capable of carrying nuclear warhead. Pakistan has tested the long-range missile just a week ..
