12. Decline of Delhi Sultanate and Rise of Provincial Kingdoms

Who invaded India in 1398 AD during the reign of Nasiruddin Mahmud of Tughlaq Dynasty?
The area around which among the following modern cities of India, a Hindu Silhara dynasty ruled from 9th to 13th century AD?
Which pass did Timur use to enter India?
Consider the following medieval Indian Sultanates and their periods of rule:
  1. The Bahmani Sultanate: 1347–1527 CE
  2. The Gujarat Sultanate: 1413–1527 CE
  3. The Gajapati Empire: 1434–1541 CE
  4. The Sultanate of Malwa: 1392–1562 CE
Which of the above associations are accurate?
Which of the following were the causes of downfall of the Delhi Sultanate?
  1. The Sultans of Delhi Sultanate never tried to win over the confidence of their subjects.
  2. Most Sultans followed policy of religious intolerance towards the Hindus.
  3. Inherent weaknesses of the Muslim system of government.
Select the correct option from the codes given below: