Quiz 743: GK Questions for Andhra Pradesh High Court Judicial Services Exams

This quiz has 10 General Knowledge / GK Questions for Andhra Pradesh High Court Judicial Services Exams based on syllabus of GK of Competition examinations and previous years question papers.

Which of the following is not a correct statement with respect to Masala Bonds? 
In which among the following sacrifices, the sacrificial materials used was sura in Vedic Era?
Which rock edict describes Asoka’s first Dhamma Yatra to Bodhgaya and Bodhi Tree?
What is the "flying fox", in relation to India’s wildlife?
Shivaji had formed a council of eight ministers that administered the Maratha empire. The council was named as:
The Bank of Calcutta which was founded on June 2, 1806, to fund General Wellesley’s wars against Tipu Sultan and the Marathas was renamed as Bank of Bengal on January 2, 1809 is known today as ________?
RBI uses which of the following methods to prevent speculative hoarding of essential commodities and check undue rise in the price of commodities?
What is the order of distance for interatomic forces to be active?
How many railway zones are in India at present?
What is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D?

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