Oil Spills – GKToday

Oil Spills

An oil spill occurs when liquid petroleum is released into the ocean or coastal waters. Oil spills include crude oil from tankers, offshore platforms, drilling rigs and wells, as well as refined petroleum from ships. Oil spills have major environmental impacts and cleanup can be difficult.

Sources of Oil Spills

The main sources of oil spills are:

Impacts on Marine Life

Oil spills have wide ranging impacts on marine plants and animals:

Recovery Factors

Oil spill cleanup and ecosystem recovery depends on:

Largest Oil Spills

The largest oil spills in history are:

Oil Spill Bioremediation

Bioremediation utilizes oil-consuming microorganisms to break down and remove oil pollution. There are three main types of oil-degrading bacteria:

A 2010 technique named oil-zapping involves spraying oil spills with oil-consuming bacteria to accelerate biodegradation. This bio-remediation method utilizes bacteria that actually feed on hydrocarbons found in crude oil.

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