Psychological egoism of Hobbes versus Ethical egoism of Ayn Rand

Rand defines altruism as the view that “Any action taken for the benefit of others is good, and any action taken for one’s own benefit is evil”. Thus, the beneficiary of an action is the only criterion of moral value—and so long as the beneficiary is anybody other than oneself, anything goes.

  • The ethics of altruism prescribes that we sacrifice our interests and lives for the good of others. Therefore, the ethics of altruism is incompatible with the goal of happiness.
  • Ethical egoism suggests that we seek our own pleasure completely, and as such it is reliable with the happiness goal. Therefore, ethical egoism is the correct moral theory.
  • She criticises that altruism corrodes men’s capacity to know their life’s value and they totally become ignorant of reality.
  • According to her the principle of trade is the only balanced ethical opinion for all human relationships in all ways and means. E.g.: personal, social and material etc.
  • Altruism holds death as its standard and goal which leads to the reasoning that every form of suffering, including self-destruction, is the virtue of its believers.
  • She says Altruism is the “creed of corruption.” Since it lets us to sacrifice our happiness for the good of others, is contrary to our highest good and attaining ego-centred happiness is the highest goal and good in life and we have a moral duty to attempt to reach this goal. She infers that the highest value is the organism’s self-preservation.
Difference between the psychological egoism of Hobbes and the ethical egoism of Ayn rand
Hobbes’s Psychological egoism
  • Psychological Egoism states that every human action is motivated by self-interest.
  • Psychological Egoism is commonly related to and motivated by selfishness.
  • Psychological egoism is descriptive in that, the theory states that it makes no claim as to how one should act.
  • Hobbes says Charity is the most general motive that we ascribe to people when we think they are acting from a concern for others.
  • Psychological Egoism appeals to the fact that unselfish actions produce a sense of self-satisfaction in the person who does them.
Ayn Rand’s Ethical egoism
  • Ethical egoism states that humans ought to seek the fulfilment of their wants and desires.
  • Ethical Egoism is related to selfishness, but it is more motivated by one doing what is right.
  • Ethical Egoism is prescriptive in that the theory states we “ought” to pursue our own self-interest.
  • For Rand, accepting the offer of Charity means they are not competent to care for themselves; and they cease to be self-reliant and become passively dependent on others.
  • Ethical egoism appeals that sacrificing one’s life for the good of others does not take seriously the value of the human individual.

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