Calbuco volcano erupts in Chile

Calbuco volcano in southern Chile erupted on 23 April 2015 for the first time after more than 42 years.
It had erupted twice in the space of a few hours which led to billowing of huge ash cloud over a sparsely populated, mountainous area in southern Chile.
Chilean Government authorities after the eruption have ordered evacuation of the 1,500 inhabitants of the nearby towns.

Facts about Calbuco Volcano

  • Calbuco Volcano is one of the most active volcanoes of the Southern Chilean Andes.
  • It is 2015 metre high and is capped by 400-500 metre wide summit crater.
  • It also considered as one of the top three most potentially dangerous among Chile’s 90 active volcanos.
  • It had erupted last time in 1972.

It should be noted that Chile has the second largest chain of volcanoes in the world after Indonesia which has about 500 that are potentially active. Both countries fall on the Ring of Fire.


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