Current Affairs : November 14, 2011
Comprehensive ban demanded on Asbestos Jaipur
- The 2nd Asian Ban Asbestos Network Conference at Jodhpur, organised jointly by the Asian Ban Asbestos Network (ABAN), International Ban Asbestos Secretariat (IBAS), the Occupational and Environmental Health Network of India (OEHNI) and Mine Labour Protection Campaign (MLPC), demanded a comprehensive ban on asbestos in Asia. They highlighted the dangerous consequences of exposure to asbestos and the plight of thousands of asbestos mining labourers who are reportedly suffering from occupational and environmental health problems. Abestos has been classified as a known carcinogen by the World Health Organisation(WHO) and had already been banned in more than 55 countries. However, many countries in Asia continue to use it exposing millions of workers, their families and surrounding communities to known risks.
Defence part of 5-year plan’s ‘Industry Outlook’ for first time ever
- In a major boost to the country s nascent defence industry, the Planning Commission has included the Department of Defence Production in its Five Year Plan exercise for the first time ever. The Department of Defence Production has been involved in the formulation of the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17), and reports of the Working Group on Defence Equipment and Aerospace would be incorporated in the framework of the industry outlook for the same period, it would facilitate indigenisation of defence procurement.
National Press Day on Nov 16, 2011
- National Press Day on November 16. The day was being observed since 1966 to commemorate the formation of the Press Council of India, to uphold freedom of the press and to maintain professional ethics in journalism across the country.
India developing UAV similar to American Predator drone
- India is developing an Unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAV) “RUSTOM-2” comparable to the predator drones of the US with an investment of over Rs.1500 crore. Roustam-2 to have an endurance of over 24 hours compared to Rustom-1 which has an endurance of 12-15 hours.
- Rustom-1, a Medium Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MALE – UAV), would be integrated with payloads by next month. Rustom-2 compares well with American Predator (drones).
Indian Olympians oppose Union Carbide sponsorship to London Games
- About 22 Former Olympians in India appealed to the International Olympics Committee (IOC) to reject the seven million pound sponsorship deal with the Dow Chemical company, the parent company Union Carbide Corporation, which was responsible for the ghastly 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy, for next year s quadrennial event at London.
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2011