Amazon Quiz Answers – 1 October, 2020

1.Which object grants the superhero, Green Lantern, his extraordinary powers?
A ring

2.The novel, White Tiger, won the Man Booker prize in 2008, and was the debut novel of an Indian-born author. Who wrote it?
Arvind Adiga

3.What is the dot that appears over the lowercase letters, ‘i’ and ‘j’, called?

4.Famous british actress ‘Lena Headey’ was born on 3rd October 1973. Which character does she play in the famous HBO series ‘Game Of Thrones’?
Cersei Lannister

5.She was the first Indian woman to become a teacher, and opened up the first girl’s school in India in 1848. Who is she?
Savitribai Phule

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