GS-I: Important Geophysical Phenomena

Explain the phenomenon of Western disturbance and discuss its impact on the Indian weather system.

The western disturbance refers to moisture laden, low-pressure disturbances that travel from the Mediterranean Sea region to the Indian subcontinent during winters. These disturbances pick up humidity from the Mediterranean sea and travel along with westerlies. At times, these low-pressure ..


Draw out a comparison between Savannah and steppe types of climate in terms of economic and geographical aspects.

Savannah and steppe are both global climatic and ecosystem versions, characterised mainly by presence of grasslands and rarity of trees and forests. Savannah type: Geography- Tropical grasslands. Found in subtropical Africa and South America. Long, wet summers. Short, dry winters. ..


What are rossy waves? Discuss the role played by them in shaping the climate of the earth.

Rossy waves refer to Polar jet streams that encircle both poles and blue at an altitude of 8 to 13 km above Earth. Features: Stronger in summer. Anticlockwise circulation. Aided and guided by Coriolis force. Role in climate of earth: ..


Identifying the factors responsible for formation of tides, discuss their geographical and economic significance.

Tides are type of natural coastal phenomena that cause a regular surge and dip in ocean water levels on coasts. Types of tides: Based on diurnal frequency – Diurnal, semi diurnal and mixed. Based on time interval – spring tide ..


Explain Madden-Julian oscillations and its difference from El-Nino? Discuss its impact on Indian monsoon.

Madden-Julian Oscillation is a system of cloud, wind and rain which keeps moving around the globe. Difference from El-Nino: El-nino originates in western coast of South America (East Pacific) and impacts global climate especially Indian Ocean Maiden-Julian oscillation moves around ..


Explain the role played by endogenic forces in forming various landforms on the earth.

Endogenic forces are those forces that are generated inside the earth surface, e.g. volcanic forces. Types of endogenic forces: Compressional force – Orogenetic forces – Which causes formation of mountain, therefore also called mountain building force. Epeirogenetic forces – cause ..
