GS-III: Cyber Security in India

What is facial recognition technology? How is it being used by the government? Examine the issues associated with it.

Facial recognition is an algorithm-based technology which creates a digital map of the face by identifying and mapping an individual’s facial features. Then through an automated process, it compares two images of faces to determine whether they represent the same ..


In the context of increasing application of quantum technology across the fields, including the military, examine the vulnerabilities and need for quantum resilient cyberspace. Also highlight the challenges and suggest measures to make India’s cyberspace quantum-resilient.

In the past few years, the global quantum industry has seen massive investments in R&D. Recently the Indian Army has taken initiative to build secure communications and cryptography applications using quantum technology with the help of industry and academia. Quantum ..


India has been experiencing several attempts to attack over the Critical Information Infrastructure (CII), both by state and non state actors. What are the factors behind increased instances of attacks? Also, enumerate the steps taken by the Indian government to secure its CII.

Critical Information Infrastructure is that which is vital for the domestic economy and national security. It includes the finance system, Defence system, Telecommunication networks, power  grids, etc. Reasons for targeting CII: It is a kind of modern and unconventional warfare, ..


The development of technology has enhanced the challenge of asymmetric warfare for India. Analyse.

Asymmetric warfare is one where there is no direct clash between two sides, rather there is crippling of an opponent even without fighting through terrorism, cyber attacks, etc. Types: State sponsored terrorism Tabnabbing Whaling Vishing Phishing Denial of service Worms ..


Highlighting the differences between Surface Web, Deep Web and Dark Web, discuss the concerns associated with Dark Web. Also, discuss the steps taken by India in this regard.

Internet has revolutionized modern day economics and has become all pervasive. But the internet that we see and use today is much more complex and vast than that. Surface web refers to the easily available part of internet, which can ..


Highlight the vulnerabilities in the cyber security architecture of India. Also, discuss the measures to deal with this.

Cyber security refers to the defences elected against malafide attacks on the ICT infrastructure. Types of attack: Keyloggers and data recorders. Virus to bug system and track Coordinated State attacks. Trojan horse software. Server overload and crashing. Vulnerabilities: Lack of ..
