What is the meaning of Balloon Payment?

A Balloon Payment is a huge sum which is to be paid at the end of the balloon loan like a mortgage, commercial loan and even an amortized loan. It can be a part of both a fixed and flexible ..

Tapas Majumdar Committee

Tapas Majumdar Committee was set up by the NDA Government in 1999 to look into the financial implications of operationalising the 83rd Amendment Bill introduced by the United Front government in 1997, seeking to make the right to free and ..

Tishyarakshit Chatterjee Committee

This article deals with the Inviolate Forest Areas and the  Tishyarakshit Chatterjee Committee. Tishyarakshit Chatterjee Panel Report Tishyarakshit Chatterjee committee has submitted its draft report that looks to give the demarcation legal teeth by notifying inviolate patches under the Environment ..

Tax Increment Financing

TIF (Tax Increment Financing) programs are measures to use increase property tax revenues generated by urban development to pay for public costs of that development. It is a public financing method that is used for subsidizing redevelopment, infrastructure, and other ..

Tight Oil

Tight oil is a light hydrocarbon contained in petroleum-bearing shale formations that have relatively low porosity and permeability. Tight oil is extracted at depths of 2 to 3 km on average, with the deepest wells taking up to six weeks ..

Tessy Thomas

Dr. Tessy Thomas, also known as "Missile Woman of India" is the Key Scientist for Agni-V in Defence Research and Development Organisation, Hyderabad. She is the first woman scientist to head a missile project in India. Tessy was associate project ..