Supreme Court (SC)

New Guidelines for the Designation of Senior Advocates in SC

The Supreme Court of India has recently released new guidelines regarding the designation of senior advocates. These guidelines aim to streamline the process of conferring the prestigious ‘senior advocate’ designation to practicing advocates. Led by Justice SK Kaul, a three-judge ..



What is Forum Shopping?

Forum shopping is a legal term that refers to the deliberate choice made by litigants or lawyers to bring their case before a particular judge or court in the hope of obtaining a more favorable outcome. This practice has drawn ..



Home Ministry on Right to Freedom of Religion

The Ministry of Home Affairs told the Supreme Court that the right to religion does not include the right to convert other people to a specific religion, especially through fraud, deception, coercion, allurement and other methods. Background On November 14, ..



Livestreaming of Constitutional Bench Proceedings

For the first time, India’s apex court livestreamed the three separate constitutional bench proceedings simultaneously in YouTube. Key facts More than 8 lakh people viewed the proceedings before the three Constitution Benches. The livestreaming was closely monitored by technical support ..



Proroguing of West Bengal Assembly

The West Bengal Governor prorogued the assembly using his powers under Article 174 of the constitution. What is Proroguing? It is discontinuing the session of parliament or state legislative assembly. This does not involve dissolving the assembly. Article 174 The ..



One-time voluntary disclosure scheme for exotic animals

The Supreme Court of India recently upheld the order of Allahabad High court to grant immunity from investigation and prosecution if a person voluntarily declares possession or acquisition of exotic species. This is applicable under the new amnesty scheme announced ..


SC issues Notice over health insurance for Mental Illness

On June 16, 2020, the Supreme Court of India issued notice to the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) and the Union Government on providing Health Insurance for mental illness. Highlights In 2018, the IRDA had issued a circular asking all ..


Supreme Court rejects Curative Petitions filed over Nirbhaya Case: What are Curative Petitions?

On March 16, 2020, the Supreme Court of India rejected the curative petitions filed over Nirbhaya case. A Brief outlook In September 2013, a fast track court of Delhi found the defendants guilty and pronounced death penalty to those accused ..
